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The days after Dad’s death was a flurry of activity. Funeral plans, the burial, the receiving of family members at home. Then came the financial matters—notifying Social Security, closing bank accounts, answering creditors. Added to that, I had been in the middle of a home renovation and spring cleaning when Dad passed. Our home was a disaster area, so while I was tackling the Dad’s affairs, I also had to immerse myself in home cleaning and reorganization.

Although I chafed at all the tasks that lay before me each day, I later came to understand that they were all part of a great blessing. The busy-ness presented an alternative to mourning. Any feelings of loss were swallowed up by the activity, and kept my mother and me from sliding into depression. The timing of the home renovation was perfect, since the house my mother now inhabited (new kitchen, freshly painted walls, uncluttered rooms) was not the same one that she saw her husband suffer in. This helped her put a period to a sadder chapter in her life, and mark a new beginning.

Not everyone grieves in the same way. Some people require more tears, or a longer period of adjustment. The point is that God ordered this period just for Mom and me. This was precisely what we needed to help see us through our loss and turn the page. This is Who our Father is. He knows us more intimately than we know our own selves, and He can help us move out of the shadows and into His light. This is why He can be trusted. If you are met with silence following “Why, God?”, perhaps a better prayer would be “I don’t understand this, God, but I will trust you. Lead on, and I will follow.” This outlook pleases God. Rest assured, He will not forsake you when you need Him most. In fact, this is when He will be right in your midst.


”The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” (Psalm 147:11).

“The righteous cry out, and LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” (Psalm 34:17).


© 2022 by Michelle Marcos
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