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What the Bible says about
Animals are our partners here on earth. God made them to share life with us, and to reflect His amazing creativity. The Bible has much to say about these fellow creatures, and Scripture answers many of the questions we may have. Do animals have souls? Do they know who Jesus is? Do animals go to heaven? This devotional illuminates us on how we can better understand our furry and feathered friends from a Biblical point of view.

Are Animals "Good" Creatures?
Before God made man, he made the animals. On the fifth day, God made the sea creatures and birds, and declared that it was good. On the...

Does God Look After Animals?
The Bible teaches us something very significant and encouraging about God: What God creates, God tends to. He is deeply involved in the...

Do Animals Obey God Too?
At one time, human sin became so great and so repugnant to God that He decided to reboot. Setting apart one righteous man and his...

God’s Contract with Man *and* Animals
After the flood, God made a covenant never again to repeat the great deluge. “I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life...

What Happened to Animals After the Fall?
The world that God had originally created must have been an amazing place. The earth was teeming with life in land, sea and air, and...

Are We to Show Compassion to Animals?
The Book of 2 Samuel describes a story told to King David. In the story, a poor man owned a small ewe lamb. He raised it as one of his...

Does God Defend Animals?
In the days before the Fall, animals conversed with people. Eve was not at all surprised when the serpent spoke to her, so it must have...

Should Nature Be Feared?
Forests and jungles can be scary places. We can imagine endless dangers in them, especially those posed by wild creatures. But the Bible...

Do Animals Know Who Jesus Is?
There is no name greater than the name of Jesus. The Bible tells us that all things were created through him, in him, and for him. There...

Why Do Animals Suffer?
In the Bible, when human sin brings punishment on people, animals are often forced to suffer the same fate. Think about the Garden of...

Do Animals Yearn for Heaven Like People Do?
The world, as it is, is not as it is supposed to be. Christian believers who live in expectation of heaven are already aware of this. But...

Do Animals Have Souls?
Man and animals were created by God in much the same way. Both were formed from the dust. When God breathed into the man His "breath of...

Will There Be Animals in Heaven?
If you’ve ever wondered if heaven will be populated by animals as well as people, the Bible says that it will. The heavens and the earth...

Do Pets Go to Heaven?
Many pet owners wonder if they will see their beloved pets in heaven some day. Even wise King Solomon wrestled with this question. "Who...

Is God Cruel to Animals?
When I was a young Christian, I read the Old Testament to get to know God better. And yet, when I read the Lord’s command to Joshua, it...

Why Were Animals Sacrificed?
God takes no pleasure in death. When sin entered the world, death came right along with it. This was part of the curse of Adam, and all...

The Animal Names of Jesus
In Scripture, Jesus Christ is sometimes referred to by animal names. One doesn’t ascribe a name to the Lord of all Creation if it were...

Who Are the Strange Creatures in Heaven?
The Book of Revelation opens a door onto heaven, and lets us peek into the throne room of God. Around the throne are four creatures—one...

Is It OK to Eat Animals?
Many vegetarians and vegans cite the reason for their dietary choice their inability to eat something that was once alive. This is very...
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