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Face Value
Check your purse and pockets right now. You may be holding an undiscovered treasure. There are a handful of modern coins that are worth...

Every woman knows about the “biological clock.” As women age, the reproductive system becomes less robust with each passing childbearing...

Have you ever been though a natural disaster? If you haven’t, thank merciful God. But if you have, you understand the level of dread...

No doubt a headline like this would have us doing a double-take. The undead...walking among us? It defies logic. It's an impossibility....

It shouldn’t surprise us that at one time, animals and humans were able to converse freely. Before the Fall, the Bible tells us that Eve...

One of the reasons many of us disobey or ignore God’s wishes is because we perceive there are unpleasant—even harrowing—consequences to...

“I feel worthless.”
Have you ever had to reserve something for a future date, like a wedding venue? Or have you ever decided on the purchase of something...

Take Prisoners
Thoughts are powerful things. Great teachers or orators transmit ideas to us, and these ideas direct the course of our steps. We follow...

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
The queen in the story of Snow White was a very beautiful woman. Nevertheless, she was very insecure. She would summon the spirit in...

Are Animals "Good" Creatures?
Before God made man, he made the animals. On the fifth day, God made the sea creatures and birds, and declared that it was good. On the...

Part 1: The Beginning
My life changed in 2011. Mom had gone in for a minimally invasive heart surgery, and the day before she was due to be released from the...

Does God Look After Animals?
The Bible teaches us something very significant and encouraging about God: What God creates, God tends to. He is deeply involved in the...

Part 2: Desolate Prayers
Just as the the most challenging phase of caregiving for mom was coming to an end, I got a call at work. Dad had fallen, and had broken...

Do Animals Obey God Too?
At one time, human sin became so great and so repugnant to God that He decided to reboot. Setting apart one righteous man and his...

Part 3: The Mourning
In a caregiving situation, everyone involved enters a period of mourning. The caregiver mourns the life they put on hold. And the...

God’s Contract with Man *and* Animals
After the flood, God made a covenant never again to repeat the great deluge. “I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life...

Part 4: Why Me?
Whenever we experience an unexpected turn of events, people tend to ask one thing. "Why me?" Perhaps it is human nature to want to know...

Part 5: The Mission Field
When I was a new Christian, I thought the Lord required believers to go out and serve people in countries like Africa. Out of a desire...

What Happened to Animals After the Fall?
The world that God had originally created must have been an amazing place. The earth was teeming with life in land, sea and air, and...

Part 6: The Locked Room
A friend of mine had an elderly mother who lived in a nursing home. One day, my friend showed me the screen on her cell phone listing...
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